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यह पायरेटेड मूवी डाउनलोडिंग साइट है जहां से लोग रिलीज हुए नए मूवी को MP4, HD और Full HD क्वालिटी में डाउनलोड कर पाते हैं। इस साइट का सर्च गूगल में मिलियन में सर्च आता है। जब भी किसी को नए मूवी डाउनलोड करने की जरूरत होती है तो वह इसी तरह के पायरेटेड मूवी वाले साइट का उपयोग करता है। जहां से वह बिल्कुल फ्री में किसी भी नए फिल्म का पायरेटेड वीडियो डाउनलोड कर पाता है।

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अगर हम DesireMovies साइट के कैटेगरी की बात करें तो यहां पर बहुत सारे कैटेगरी देखने को मिलते हैं जैसे कि south motion pictures, bollywood motion pictures, hollywood motion pictures(hindi), hollywood motion pictures in english, punjabi motion pictures, 300 mbps film, bhojpuri motion pictures, net sequence आदि जैसी विभिन्न कैटेगरी में मूवीस डाउनलोड करने की सुविधा उपलब्ध कराई जाती है।

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अब बात आती है कि लोग इस तरह की साइट के बारे में कैसे जान जाते हैं और किस तरह से मूवी डाउनलोड कर पाते हैं। मैं आप सभी को बता दूं की DesireMovies जैसी साइट अपने डाउनलोडिंग साइट को काफी सिंपल बनाते हैं जिससे कि customers कुछ इस्टेप्स को फॉलो करके मूवी डाउनलोड कर पाए।

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वैसे तो दोस्तों desiremovies वेबसाइट पायरेटेड होने के कारण भारत सरकार द्वारा ज्यादातर बंद कर दिए जाते हैं लेकिन यह वेबसाइट अपने प्रॉक्सी डोमेन का उपयोग कर फिर से web site को शुरू कर देते हैं और लेटेस्ट बॉलीवुड मूवीस को अपने दर्शकों के लिए अवेलेबल कर देते हैं नीचे ऐसे ही कुछ प्रोक्सी डोमेन की लिस्ट दी हुई है।

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HQ Dubbed Motion pictures : इस कैटेगरी में आप हाई क्वालिटी मूवीस को बहुत ही आसानी से देख और डाउनलोड कर पाएंगे।

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Punjabi Motion pictures : इस कैटेगरी में आप सभी पंजाबी मूवीस को देख और डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

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TV Reveals : इस कैटेगरी में आप सभी तरह के टीवी शो को देख सकते हैं।

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निचे desiremovies.metropolis कुछ लीगल अल्टरनेटिव दिए गए हैं जहाँ से आप लीगल तरिके से सभी मूवीज को देख सकते हैं।

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हाँ , चुकी पाइरेसी अपराध का एक कार्य है और इसे 1957 के कॉपीराइट अधिनियम के तहत एक गंभीर अपराध माना जाता है। और इस तरह से किसी भी व्यक्ति को कोई film उपलब्ध कराना या film डाउनलोड करना अपराध माना जाता है। अगर आप motion pictures देखना चाहते हैं तो थिएटर में या किसी लीगल साइट पर जाकर देखें। इसके लिए आपको सब्सक्रिप्शन लेना होगा और कुछ पैसे देने पड़ सकते हैं।


हमने इस पोस्ट में आपको बताया की Desiremovies की तरह की साइट्स गैर क़ानूनी होते हैं और इस रह की साइट से किसी भी मूवी या वेब स्टोरीज को डाउनलोड करना या फिर इस तरह की साइट्स बनाकर मूवीज उपलब्ध कराना piracy के अंतरगर्त आता है और ऐसे साइट को कभी भी बंद किया जा सकता है।

Piracy ग़ैरकानूनी है, और हमारा साइट Pirated Motion pictures की Web sites के उपयोग का समर्थन नहीं करता। यह पोस्ट सिर्फ आपको जागरूक करने और जानकारी देने के उद्देश्य से लिखा गया है। का उद्देश्य इन Web sites को Promote करना बिलकुल भी नहीं है।

Learn In English

What kind of web site is DesireMovies?

It is a pirated film downloading web site from the place individuals can obtain new launched motion pictures in MP4, HD and Full HD high quality. The search of this web site comes within the millionth search in Google. Every time somebody must obtain new motion pictures, he makes use of related pirated film websites. From the place he can obtain pirated video of any new film completely free.

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If we discuss concerning the class of DesireMovies web site, then many classes are seen right here akin to south motion pictures, bollywood motion pictures, hollywood motion pictures(hindi), hollywood motion pictures in english, punjabi motion pictures, 300 mbps film, bhojpuri motion pictures, net sequence The ability to obtain motion pictures is made accessible in several classes like and many others.

Let me inform all of you that pirated web sites are an enormous problem in entrance of the federal government and the movie business as a result of as quickly as a brand new Hollywood or any Bollywood film is launched, it's uploaded instantly on a web site like DesireMovies. Which is completely unlawful or web sites record newly launched motion pictures / newest motion pictures on their web site for his or her viewers, which causes an enormous loss to the film makers. As a result of when a film maker makes a brand new film of his personal, he makes it considering that he'll be capable of earn good cash by promoting a replica of this film, however as a result of this, he's not capable of earn his cash effectively and sometimes- Typically the film flops.

Due to these piracy websites, the federal government blocks such web sites. However even those that do piracy of movies don't quit. As many occasions as the federal government blocks its Stay Hyperlink, they re-build their web site by taking a brand new URL after which piracy the films on the brand new hyperlink.

If you happen to additionally need to watch New Bollywood Film or bollywood net sequence, Deseremovies hollywood, South Film, Hindi TV Present, Malayalam Motion pictures, Gujarati Film, totally free, then you possibly can watch on-line by visiting Deseremovies in web site. However it could be higher when you watch it from Hotstar or every other authorized web site.

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Now it involves how individuals come to find out about such a web site and the way they can obtain motion pictures. Let me inform all of you that websites like DesireMovies make their downloading web site quite simple in order that customers can obtain motion pictures by following some steps.

To begin with, go to the browser and search desiremovies.
On looking, a hyperlink to such a web site comes up on the prime.
After clicking on the hyperlink, the house web page of Desiremovies is available in entrance of them the place a number of motion pictures can be found to observe.
Out of those, customers are capable of obtain and choose the film that they're on the lookout for.
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After clicking, they get redirected to a different web page.
After going to the second web page, from right here you possibly can obtain that film or if you wish to watch it on-line then you too can watch it on-line.
If you wish to obtain it then click on on obtain button after which this film will begin downloading in your gadget.

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Though associates, desiremovies web site is usually closed by the Indian authorities as a result of being pirated, however this web site begins the web site once more utilizing its proxy area and makes the newest Bollywood motion pictures accessible to its viewers as beneath. Just some proxy domains are listed.

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This web site permits individuals to add any film instantly after its launch on their web site from the place individuals can watch it instantly. That is why this web site has acquired a lot reputation and it has turn out to be so in style.

In Desiremovies.metropolis  web site one can find Telugu Motion pictures, Telugu Dubbed Motion pictures [Hollywood], Kannada Cell Motion pictures, Tamil Motion pictures, Tamil Dubbed Motion pictures [Hollywood], Hindi New Motion pictures, Hollywood New Motion pictures, WWE Reveals, Telugu Dubbed Hollywood Motion pictures and lots of extra. The film is kind of in style among the many individuals due to getting collectively.

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If for some purpose all of the hyperlinks of the web site are additionally blocked, then one can find different pirated web sites just like desiremovies.metropolis on the web, that are as in style as this and provides the power to obtain motion pictures. Equivalent to 9xMovies, Filmywap, 123Movies, Tamilrockers, Bolly4u, Downloadhub, FilmyZilla and many others. However it's utterly unlawful to make use of such pirated web site. Following are the options of KatmovieHD web site:

Jio Rockers
Moviesflix Professional
Khatrimaza a to z

Desiremovies authorized various websites

Under are some authorized options to desiremovies.metropolis from the place you possibly can watch all motion pictures in a authorized approach.

Disney Hotstar
MX Participant
Large Flix
amazon prime video

Is it against the law to obtain motion pictures from Desiremovies?

Sure, executed piracy is an act of crime and it's thought-about a critical offense below the Copyright Act of 1957. And offering a film or downloading a film to any particular person on this approach is taken into account against the law. If you wish to watch motion pictures, then go to the theater or go to any authorized web site and watch. For this you need to take a subscription and will need to pay some cash.

Is it a crime to download movies from Desiremovies?

Yes, done piracy is an act of crime and it is considered a serious offense under the Copyright Act of 1957. And providing a movie or downloading a movie to any person in this way is considered a crime. If you want to watch movies, then go to the theater or go to any legal site and watch. For this you have to take a subscription and may have to pay some money.

u003cstrongu003eDesiremovies legal alternative sitesu003c/strongu003e

SonyLivu003cbru003eNetflixu003cbru003eYoutubeu003cbru003eZee5u003cbru003eDisney Hotstaru003cbru003eMX Playeru003cbru003eBig Flixu003cbru003eamazon prime video alternative movie downloading website

todaypku003cbru003efimymeet5u003cbru003eMovierulzu003cbru003e9xmoviesu003cbru003eJio Rockersu003cbru003etamilyogiu003cbru003eworldfree4uu003cbru003eBolly4uu003cbru003eUwatchFreeu003cbru003eMoviesflix Prou003cbru003eMp4moviezu003cbru003eSkyMoviesu003cbru003eKhatrimaza a to zu003cbru003etamilrockersu003cbru003e7starhdMoviesu003cbru003eTamilMVu003cbru003eExtramoviesu003cbru003eDesiremoviesu003cbru003esdmoviespointu003cbru003edesiremovies

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